
Last Day of School for 2020

 It has been a very long, and unusual year, but we have finally reached the last day of school for 2020. This December has been especially busy, too, because of some extra classes on Saturdays, and also because of exams. 

Once again, our school meeting in a different format this year. Instead of the whole school listening to the principal's speech in the gym, students listened to the message from the principal broadcast in their own classrooms. Afterwards, we did our final cleaning of the school for the year. 

Although winter vacation break may be shorter than other years, I hope everyone is able to relax, spend time with their families, and feel refreshed &
ready for the new year in 2021!




今朝の登校の様子です。 1年生の昇降口前で「おはようございます」とあいさつをして入っていく生徒たち。 あいさつすると気持ちが良いですね。相手の目を見てしっかりあいさつしましょう。 また、時間に余裕をもって登校できていますか。今週から考査も始まります。今一度、生活リズムを見直してみてください。 今週は一段と寒くなりましたが、体調に気を付けて、感染予防も行いながら毎日を過ごしてくださいね。(2組担任)