
Field Trip Presentations (遠足企画発表)

Usually, the school field trip is one of the highlights of the school year. It is a chance for students to make new connections with classmates and deepen their friendships with people in their year level. 

    Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, the field trip for all 54期生 students in April was cancelled, too. However, in place of a year-level field trip, each class is planning their own field-trip instead. By doing so, students can still have the opportunity to make memories with their classmates while avoiding the 3Cs (Closed spaces, Crowded places, Close-contact settings) as much as possible. Students have spent the last few weeks working in groups to make their ideal field trip plan to show their classmates. Today, after each group showed pictures and presented attractive points of their plans, the class voted for their favorite. 

    Although the pandemic has made it difficult for planning events and going out with their friends, this year's field trip presentations have allowed students to work together and get to know each other even before they leave for their field trip. I'm sure their bonds will become even stronger once they can all go on their field trip later in the year. (3組担任)


プレ中間考査 1週間前です

「定期テストは、点数、順位よりも、復習が大切!」 「順位で喜ぶ、悲しむのではなく、その後の取り組みが重要」 「学校の勉強、一日一日の授業がめちゃめちゃ大事!」 ポスターに書いてあるメッセージです。5月6日の進路HRでスタディーサポート(基礎学力調査)の結果を返却した時も、間違った問題を解き直す『模試振り返りノート』を作ってしっかり復習しよう、と皆さんに伝えたばかりです。1年生5月のスタサポから今回2年生4月のスタサポまで、4回分の模試の成績や学習時間を振り返るプリント作業にも取り組みました。これらの振り返りは、すべて未来の自分のためになる作業です。54期の皆さんの頑張りをこれからもサポートしていきますよ!(2組担任・学年進路担当)